Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Catalyst Labs- May 11

I'm in Dallas, TX this week for a leadership conference called Catalyst. This is my second time in Texas that I can remember. I am here with three friends; Mike Andrews, Jon Arnold, and Ted Grant.

We had the pre-conference labs today and already there are lots of ideas flowing and swirling around in my mind. One of the issues I always have with these conferences is how do I take what I'm hearing and apply it to real life, life in western Nebraska with the Church Body at WestWay? I don't have all the right answers for that at this point, but at least I'm thinking right?

Our friend Rodd Hall has informed me that I'm not tweeting my conference finds enough today, so I write this blog to make up for that. Here are some of the things I heard today.
  1. Let scripture, not culture, dictate your relationships.
  2. Don't build a city in your city. Engage it!
  3. Push back the darkness where your life exists. (in connection with rehabilitating your city)
  4. Transformational leadership always requires significantly more than you have because God wants to restore His wonder in you.
  5. Every opportunity that you face has an expiration date...and often missing out will cost you more than messing up.
  6. What if the church set an expiration date for itself? Self-preservation would not be an issue. We would be free to set out and do what we set out to do.
  7. Transformational leadership requires God-sized obedience, not me-sized solutions.
  8. A leader's job is to reveal possibility. Other people are always defining reality.
  9. Transformational leadership does not rely on answers, but on God's promises.
  10. Does your vision add up? If it does, it is too small.
  11. Don't let budget determine your vision.
  12. If you want God to come out of nowhere and do the miraculous, consecrate yourself and continually submit yourself to seeking and being obedient.
  13. Don't worry about working for the miracles. All you can control is whether you are living a life consecrated to Jesus.
There are some of the thought morsels and nuggets I took away from the pre-conference labs. I'm excited to see how God will work through some of these things.

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